Furrific is a members only organisation operated by and for it's members. It is operated primarily by an elected voluntary committee of members.
How do I join?
To become a member you must be introduced by two existing members (a nominee & seconder). Membership spaces are limited so you may be entered onto a waiting list. Your application will then be reviewed by existing members giving them opportunity to either approve or reject. If you pass the review process you will be formally invited to join the club.
If you don't know any existing members you may still apply and existing members may choose to back your application.
What Next?
Existing members are informed of your application to join the club, and you will need to agree to basic personal details being shared with them for this to happen. Typically, this will be just your Furry name and links to any social media presence.
Membership applications are discussed and voted on, if approved you will be admitted into the club.
Membership Fees
If you attend any event during the year, the event fee covers your membership. If you wish to retain membership without attending an event there is a £5 charge.
Who's in charge?
Everyone! The club is fundamentally operated by it's members. We hold an AGM where members elect the operating committee for the coming year. At the AGM anyone currently holding a committee position or committee assigned role stands-down and must be re-elected if they wish to continue in that role.
All members are encouraged to get involved and lend a hand however they wish to even if they're not interested in being on the committee. Members lending a hand are referred to as Furrific Fellows.
What about the Directors?
The directors are required in order for the club to exist as a limited by guarantee company. Their main interest is ensuring legal compliance with the UK government and overseeing core administrative and financial tasks. Their powers are mostly delegated to the committee which they also hold a position on, they only veto decisions in matters where there would be a conflict of interest or a breach in legislation.